Mr Blank's suggestions

For my part of the A Level course we’ll be studying American Literature (1880-1940). The specification is below so you can see what it looks like. You will be studying component 02 with me.

there are two parts to this exam:

-One question on an unseen extract

-One question in which you compare two texts

If you click on Miss Smeaton's page you will find an example past paper there too to have a look at.

Some useful preparation would be to research the context of this period (60 years) so that you have a good understanding of the context in which authors are writing. I will post some good articles and reading in the coming days and weeks.

If you’re in my group we’ll start with The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald.

I would read a few short stories by Ernest Hemingway as well, an author we will study during this course. 'The Snows of Kilimanjaro' and 'Hills like White Elephants' are considered to be two of his finest pieces and both can be found with an online search.