How do the writers of 'Disabled' and 'The Bright Lights of Sarajevo' use language and structure to show conflict?

Assignment A: Poetry and Prose Texts

  • A piece of writing responding to any two poetry or prose texts from Part 2 of the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Anthology.

  • Students must address the following assessment objectives:

    1. AO1 read and understand a variety of texts, selecting and interpreting information,

      ideas and perspectives

    2. AO2 understand and analyse how writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve their effects.

  • The assignment will be in two parts. Part 1 will be a response to the set assignment and will be out of 24 marks with 6 marks for AO1 and 18 marks for AO2. Part 2 will be a short commentary explaining why the student chose the texts they discussed in the assignment with 6 marks for AO1.

• Total of 30 marks for this assignment

  • Word count

    We advise that each assignment is between 650–800 words in length. There is no penalty for exceeding this recommendation. The advisory word count for the commentary is 200–300 words.

Assessment Grids
Assignment A: Poetry and Prose Texts



  1. AO1 Read and understand a variety of texts, selecting and interpreting information, ideas and perspectives (6 marks)

  2. AO2 Understand and analyse how writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve their effects (18 marks)


No rewardable material.

Level 1


  • Basic understanding of the texts.

  • Selection and interpretation of information/ideas/perspectives

    is limited.

  • Little understanding of language and structure and how these are used by writers to achieve effects.

  • Identification of the language and/or structure used by writers to achieve effects.

  • The use of references is limited.

Level 2


  • Some understanding of the texts.

  • Selection and interpretation of information/ideas/perspectives

    is valid, but not developed.

  • Some understanding of language and structure and how these are used by writers to achieve effects.

  • Some comment on the language and/or structure used by writers to achieve effects, including use of vocabulary.

  • The selection of references is valid, but not developed.

Level 3


  • Sound understanding of the texts.

  • Selection and interpretation of information/ideas/perspectives

    is appropriate and relevant to the points being made.

  • Clear understanding of language and structure and how these are used by writers to achieve effects.

  • Explanation of how both language and structure are used by writers to achieve effects, including use of vocabulary and sentence structure.

  • The selection of references is appropriate and relevant to the points being made.

Level 4


  • Sustained understanding of the texts.

  • Selection and interpretation of information/ideas/perspectives is appropriate, detailed and fully supports the points being made.

  • Thorough understanding of language and structure and how these are used to achieve effects.

  • Exploration of how both language and structure are used by writers to achieve effects, including use of vocabulary, sentence structure and other language features.

  • The selection of references is detailed, appropriate and fully supports the points being made.



  1. AO1 Read and understand a variety of texts, selecting and interpreting information, ideas and perspectives (6 marks)

  2. AO2 Understand and analyse how writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve their effects (18 marks)

Level 5


  • Perceptive understanding of the texts.

  • Selection and interpretation of information/ideas/perspectives

    is apt and is persuasive in clarifying the points being made.

  • Perceptive understanding of language and structure and how these are used by writers to achieve effects.

  • Analysis of both language and structure are used by writers to achieve effects, including use of vocabulary, sentence structure and other language features.

  • The selection of references is discriminating and clarifies the points being made.


Level 2 3–4 • Explanation of the selection of the texts is appropriate and relevant.

Level 3 5–6 • Explanation of the selection of texts is apt and persuasive.



AO1 Read and understand a variety of texts, selecting and interpreting information, ideas and perspectives (6 marks)


No rewardable material.

Level 1


• Explanation of the selection of the texts is limited.

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